4 Key relationships in life
Every person on earth, regardless of wealth, status, race, or any other difference, has four key relationships in our lives. These are:
- Relationship with God
- Relationship with self
- Relationship with others
- Relationship with the rest of creation
Sadly, because of sin, every person on earth also experiences the pain and sorrow of seeing each of these relationships broken in different ways. Only God can truly bring healing to each one.
Relationship with God
God created each of us and wants to have a deep relationship with us. Because Jesus, God’s Son, came to live a perfect life, die for our sins, and rise again, we can have a relationship with God. We can pray anytime, anywhere, just using the words in our hearts. We can read the Bible to understand God’s words to us.
Because our relationship with God has been broken, we don’t live the way God intended for humans, seeking to know and love him more and to be like him. But there’s good news: all you have to do is ask God to help you and start seeking Him. We’d love to help you do that!
Relationship with Self
It might seem funny to have a relationship with yourself…but we all do! Some of us silently tell ourselves, “You’re worthless,” while others say, “You’re the most important one here.” Neither of these is true, but our hearts tend to go these ways!
As we grow in knowing God, we begin to see ourselves as God sees us. We are created in God’s image and given dignity and honor – we are not worthless! We are called to love and bless others – we are not the most important ones!
Relationship with Others
This relationship might be the most obviously broken for many of us. We can all think of a relationship that has been broken by hurt, betrayal, loss, anger, jealousy…the list goes on. But as we grow in God, we find that our relationships with others are healed, as well. In becoming humble, we can learn to forgive others who have hurt us. In realizing our worth, we can step away from destructive relationships. In becoming selfless, we can start to consider others’ needs before our own.
Relationship with the Rest of Creation
What is the rest of creation? It’s everything! The earth, our jobs, food, money, time, resources…everything was created by God, and everything is being made new by God as we walk in relationship with Him.
As we become the people God wants us to be, we find that work doesn’t define us, but that we are created to work to support ourselves and our families and to contribute to the world. We find that money isn’t the most important thing, but that God wants us to use our money wisely and generously.
Link2Hope is built on the idea that God is calling each one of us to grow in these four relationships. We pray that Link2Hope will be a resource for you as we all grow in our relationships together.
Every person has relationships with God, self, others, and the rest of creation that are broken and in need of God’s healing.