If I join as a volunteer, will anyone be able to see my personal information? Will I receive calls asking for help?

As a user of Link2Hope, the only information that other users can see is your first name and the zip code you have listed. If you connect with another individual on the platform by meeting a need or directly connecting and they accept, you will then be able to see one another’s email and phone number.

I want to meet a need, but it says a background check is required. How do I go about doing this?

Begin by clicking the “Meet” button on the need you would like to meet. Link2Hope uses Checkr for background checks so you will soon get an email from them with next steps. After you have been cleared, you will not need to repeat this process for future needs. We focus our background check on a criminal history dating back 10 years that may affect the personal safety or property of those we serve. The following history may have an adverse effect on a volunteer’s status: Theft or robbery, Battery or violence against another, or Sex Offense. The full background check policy can be seen in the Link2Hope menu under the legal tab.

Background checks are provided free of charge to users meeting needs. However, donations to Friendship House to help cover costs are always welcome. Donate here!

I’ve committed to meeting a need. What happens now?

Now that you’ve met a need, watch your email and wait for the family on the platform to accept your offer. When the family accepts, you will be notified via text and email so that you can communicate directly with them to schedule the time and place that works best for you, as well as any other details.

If I post a need, who will see it? How will others find out?

You can post a need publicly to anyone on the platform, or, for more private needs, you can post a need to only users you are connected with on the platform such as your church, your advocate, or your inner circle of friends.

I’ve posted a need, now what?

Now that you’ve posted a need, you can watch your email and wait for another user on the platform to offer to meet it or recommend others who may be able to help. When another person takes action to help you, you will be notified via email and text so that you can communicate directly with them to schedule the time and place that works best for you, as well as any other details.

How can Link2Hope be provided at no charge to families, churches, ministries, or any other users?

Link2Hope is supported by the generous donations of partners around the country who believe in the mission of Link2Hope. If you would like to help support link2Hope, click here.

How can my agency/church/nonprofit benefit from Link2Hope, and how can I get them involved?

Your organization can benefit from Link2Hope by inviting its staff or members to join the platform. It is important to have an administrator who can keep your organization’s profile up to date, volunteers or staff who are willing to invest in building relationships with others and meeting needs, and families who have material needs that they would like to post or resources they would like to share. Whether your organization joins primarily to serve by investing in others or to receive help from those connected to you, we trust Link2Hope will be a blessing for all involved.

The best way to get the organization (church, nonprofit, agency, or business) connected is to connect with a Link2Hope representative to receive materials to share with your church and set up an introductory orientation for your church.

I saw a great learning resource that I’d like to share with others. How can I do that?

On the top of the growing page, click on the “+ New” button. You can then select to add a video, event, web resource, or file. You will then be prompted to answer a few questions about what you are adding, and then you will attach the resource. After you click “Next” your resource will be reviewed, approved, and made public to the users on Link2Hope.

Why is connecting to more people and organizations so important for those facing material poverty?

Building strong circles of support with other people and organizations willing to help is an important step in overcoming material poverty. These connections can provide support, resources, outside perspectives, and recommendations as a family takes the next steps to a healthier life.

What’s the relationship between connecting, growing, and impacting, and how does it help low-income families move out of poverty?

When families begin by connecting with others to receive assistance, it allows for growth in their lives—physically, relationally, and spiritually. This growth naturally leads to a desire to give back, ultimately coming full circle and helping families begin to make a positive impact in others’ lives.

We’re glad you’re a part of the Link2Hope community.  We’ve tried to answer a few frequently asked questions here. 

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